Are you migrating to a new city and want to get your car shipped safely? As there are many transport companies available, it is not that difficult to ship your car across the country.
To make the shipment process smooth and reliable, you should find an experienced cross country car transport company like Ship a Car, Inc. whether you have a new or second-handed car, their expertise can help ship your car without any issues.
Vehicle Transport Preparations
Second-handed vehicles likely have paint chips, dents, slight scratches, etc. Before shipping your car, you need to wash your car thoroughly. Also, make a note of all the damages and discuss with your insurance agent.
Before the driver picks up your car, remove certain things from the car such as
- Electronic items
- Market accessories
- Alarms
- Personal items
Ensure that you remove all personal items from the passenger compartment. While traveling, this stuff may be stolen, damaged, or lost. Neither driver nor carrier claims responsibility for damages caused inside the compartment.
Vehicle Transport Paperwork
Before shipping your car, you should keep all the necessary documents with you. You should have verified the shipping date and the confirmed email from the company you choose. The driver should know your vehicle lot number, office working hours, auto’s VIN code, etc.
Remove some parts from your car
Some car shipping companies let you remove vehicle parts added to the personal items. You may want to remove your rims, speakers, navigational system, etc. Remove all these loose valuables from your car to avoid hassle while shipping.
Finally, before the driver takes charge of your vehicle, make sure that:
- Windows and vents are sealed properly
- Take out accessories from the seat
- Disable all the electronic items and alarms
- Remove or secure the loose parts
Take Photos of Your Car
If you find it difficult to trust the company, you can take pictures of your vehicle. It is a good idea to take photos of every part of the vehicle inside and out. You need not be a professional photographer to take photos of your vehicle. Digital cameras or smartphones are enough to shoot clear photos.
As soon as you take the photos, just store them on your drive. Take high-quality clear images using a smartphone or a digital camera. After taking the photos, it is always a safe bet to transfer them to the computer or store them on a flash drive.
Find the destination
Most cross country vehicle shipping companies won’t let you know when your car will be arriving. It is not that difficult for them to find the approximate day of shipping. They should give you an approximate time of when will it be shipped.
If your car doesn’t arrive on time, you may worry about it unnecessarily. To avoid such issues, try to determine when your car will arrive.
To enjoy stress-free shipment, you need to be ready with the process and should avoid mistakes before shipping your car.