Home Trucks Impact of Female Commercial Truck Drivers are changing the industry

Impact of Female Commercial Truck Drivers are changing the industry

by Dolores Olsen
Impact of Female Commercial Truck Drivers are changing the industry

Women are changing the trucking industry for the better. To keep up with a growing need, it’s important that we have more women in this field who can take on these heavy-duty jobs. We’re seeing an increase of female commercial drivers as they make their way into traditionally male-dominated industries and show that strength is not limited by gender! Read how one woman was able to change her life through truck driving here.

What is the impact of female commercial truck drivers?

The world is changing, and women are breaking barriers in industries that were previously male-dominated. For example, in 2016, the top 100 trucking companies in America employed over 12,000 female drivers, a ten percent increase from 2015. This number was only at 4,300 back in 2009. Likewise, women in mechanical truck breakdown service in Gainesville have also improved.

Women are also making big moves in other fields such as construction and manufacturing.

What does this mean for women in trucking? More opportunities! Expect to see more and more women entering the trucking industry as it continues to grow. By 2020, it is estimated that 3 million drivers will be needed just to keep pace with projected demand. This influx of positions can allow women to move up the ranks in their careers and make more money. The average salary for female truck drivers is $42,000 as of 2016 compared to the national average of $41,500.

Many women are drawn to commercial driving because they can work their own hours and be home with their families or have time for a second job without having to worry about childcare. Many find that this is a fantastic career to start their families. When driving, they are able to get in time for appointments and maintain a healthy pregnancy without the worry of being fired from their position.

In the trucking industry, women drivers are identified as safer than most men on the road, too! This makes it less likely that you’ll ever get stuck behind a female truck driver who is unable to handle the job, and it also makes you more likely to be on time for your deliveries and appointments.

What can be done to encourage truck driving for women?

  1. Safety should be a priority. The National Women’s Trucking Association is dedicated to making sure women understand the importance of safety and that they don’t have to sacrifice it for advancement in their careers.
  2. Equipment and training skills should be readily available. While most companies offer the same driving opportunities for men and women, it is very important that women have access to their own equipment in order to meet the demands of their careers.
  3. Balanced Family life. There should be flexible with schedules and home life balance. Sufficient time off from work to visit family, friends or pursue personal activities is a necessity in trucking.
  4. Support groups/chapters. There should be forums and organizations for women truck drivers to exchange ideas with other female professionals in the industry as well as establish positive relationships that can help each other throughout their careers.
  5. Skills training and education for both men and women are crucial (UAW).
  6. Confidence that conducting field tests would help motivate women to pursue careers in trucking (UAW).
  7. Benefits and compensation should be equivalent across genders with equal experience and job performance (UAW).
  8. It is crucial to change the image of truck driving as a male-dominated occupation (Women Who Drive).
  9. Women should have opportunities to advance their careers and leadership skills (UAW).

Women are becoming more prominent in the trucking industry. The way women approach driving may be different from their male counterparts- perhaps this will change how we think about what it means to “drive like a girl.”

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